There Are items to be found all over pandanda heres a guide on what they are if your not sure.
- Fish-Fish Can be found in the fishing hole theres are lots of kinds the rarest is the rainbow grouper
- Tickets-Tickets can be found when Zing Ballyhoo is in Panda land, collect 10 you get a free item
- Vegetables-Vegetables can be found in the Orchard,Shady Glen and Darby Fields
- Cans/Bottles-Can be found almost any place in pandanda land.
- Rock-These rocks can be found in the Forest,Darby Fields,or Orchard.You can find gems in the rock
- Mushrooms-Mushrooms are found in the Forest,Darby Fields and Misty hills,They can in many colors
- Sand-This Sand Can be Dug up to find Treasure chest or other items
- Fruit-Fruit can be found in the Orchard only.If you see fruit sparkle click on it
Well Thats it I hoped this helped you guys.