hey, pandas!!
Im new to this blog. My Pandanda name is Stuffyman3, and... uhh... I have good looks. LOL. I dont have really anything to say.... Oh-Yeah, Click Here to go to my website.
Stay Pawsome,
Some Updates
Hey Guys!
Pandanda is having some updates well 1st off here's herny's blog entry.
So This weekend is your last chance to get the Christmas items on pandanda. Also Mr.Elmhurst no longer is selling christmas items so hurry if you want the christmas items in the catologs.
Pandanda is having some updates well 1st off here's herny's blog entry.
Quick Update January 29th, 2010
Happy Friday everyone!
There's going to be a Valentine's update to the clothes catalog comming next week! Also, I hear there will be a few new treehouse items available to help you get prepared for the Superbowl!
This weekend is your last chance to buy any remaining Pandanda Christmas items so stock up before they're all gone!
So This weekend is your last chance to get the Christmas items on pandanda. Also Mr.Elmhurst no longer is selling christmas items so hurry if you want the christmas items in the catologs.
Also Zing Ballyhoo next item comes out tommrow.I wonder what it could be? and also the new catolog all the updates will be posted on pandanda jammers as soon as possiable
Find The Dragon Contest Winners
Hey Guys!
Herny has a new post on his blog.Its the winners of the "Find the Dragon Contest" Heres the Post made by henry (note: no copyright intended)
Find the Dragons Contest Winners! January 25th, 2010
Herny has a new post on his blog.Its the winners of the "Find the Dragon Contest" Heres the Post made by henry (note: no copyright intended)
Find the Dragons Contest Winners! January 25th, 2010
Hi Pandas,
Today we are ready to announce the winners of the "Find
the Dragons
Contest". First of all, thank you so much for the many, many
correct entries
received. Izzy is delighted that she now knows where
all of her
She has brought them all back to the Pet
shop where they
have been
large bowls of D-chow and Flint
first winner
of our contest
is the person who
sent in the first correct
entry - and that
was Rizzthefizz.
Congratulations! Then we held a random
raffle from all of
the other
received and that winner was:
winners receive:
special Winning
Contest Shirt (totally rare
•A 3 month
membership gift
player card
picture in my blog (see
•And 2000 coins!
First Place Winner:
Raffle Winner: Princess898
Please join me in
congratulating the winners. Don't worry if you didn't
win this contest because
my next contest we be released soon and it's a
contest where our many awesome
bloggers will be able to help everyone.
I can't wait, can you?
Well i didnt win =/ neither did anyone i knew but anyways congrats to the
winners RizztheFizz and princess898,i hope henry has another contest like this
soon for more info vist
Zing Ballyhoo 17th mystery item
Hey Guys!
Zing Ballyhoo's new Item is Out! its some type of Chinese panda.Its a Item you can put in your tree house.
as many of you have noticed Pandanda is having some type of Asian theme for all of Zing's Items so i wonder if theres gonna have a chinese new year party.well anyway check out the pics below
Heres how the New item looks in your treehouse. pretty cool huh?
and in other news henry has released the winners of find the dragon contest.But unfourtunealy i didnt win =/ or neither did anyone i knew,well ill be posting the winners
Zing Ballyhoo's new Item is Out! its some type of Chinese panda.Its a Item you can put in your tree house.
as many of you have noticed Pandanda is having some type of Asian theme for all of Zing's Items so i wonder if theres gonna have a chinese new year party.well anyway check out the pics below
and in other news henry has released the winners of find the dragon contest.But unfourtunealy i didnt win =/ or neither did anyone i knew,well ill be posting the winners
Friend List in ABC Order
Hey Guys Last Night Pandanda Had a crash and during the crash some new updates happened.like
Friend's list in ABC order and now the dragons from the contest are gone.
Heres a pic of the Friends list in ABC Order. Cool huh?
well thats all for now Zing Ballyhoo post soon. cya guys later
Zing BallyHoo 16th Mystery Item
Hey Guys!
Zing Ballyhoo new Item is Avalible.Zing Ballyhoo 16th Item is some type of Chinese Background.
Just Collect 10 tickets before Monday Janruay 25th 12:01 Am Pst

Zing Ballyhoo new Item is Avalible.Zing Ballyhoo 16th Item is some type of Chinese Background.
Just Collect 10 tickets before Monday Janruay 25th 12:01 Am Pst

and then this is what it looks like when its on your playercard.Cool Huh?
Well That is All for now guys.Wonder when Spring 10 Catologs comming out.
-Teddy259 Pandanda Jammers Presdient
Find The Dragon Contest on Pandanda
Hey Guys!
New Contest on Pandanda so heres the post from henry
And When You Find a Dragon It Will Show This,But rember the dragons location

New Contest on Pandanda so heres the post from henry
Hi Pandas,
A number of hatched dragons have escaped from the Pet
Store and Izzy needs your help finding them throughout Pandanda Land. Izzy
pretty sure that there are ten missing dragons in all and that they could
hidden anywhere!
Dragons really are great at hiding so you will have to be very observant to
find them. When they are really still, sometimes waiting for them to blink
help. According to Izzy, you should be able to find at least three now
with more
wanting to be found throughout the week as they start to get
When you find a dragon take note where you found it and what
it was and finally when you have found all ten dragons email your
•Two Grand prizes will be awarded by the panel of
◦One grand prize will be awarded for the first entry received
email that correctly lists the exact location and color of each of the
missing dragons.
◦Another grand prize will be given away via a
raffle chosen
from all of the other entries that correctly lists the exact
location and color
of each of the dragons.
◦So you have two chances to
win - one if you are the
first to send us a correct entry or another chance
if your correct entry is
chosen in the random raffle.
◦Each winner of
our two grand prizes will each
■A special Finding Dragons
Winning Contest Shirt for your Panda
that only our contest winners will own
(totally rare and famous!).
■A 3
month membership gift certificate,
■Your winning Pandas picture in Henry's
■and 2000 coins !
To submit your entry (have your parent or
guardian help you):
1.Read and obey the rules. Entering the
competition means that
you and your parent/guardian agree to the rules. If you
are under 13 years
old, please ask your parent or guardian to review them with
you, along with
our website terms of use.
2.Ask your parent or
guardian to email
your entry to contest@pandanda.com from their email address,
the one they
used when they signed you up for Pandanda.
3.Type the
"Find The Dragons Contest" in the subject line of the email.
your Panda name in the text of the email for example "Panda
Name: Paige."
5.Do NOT include your real name, house address or
phone number.
6.Email your entry to Pandanda to receive it no later
Sunday, January 24th at Noon, (12:00pm), Pacific Standard Time (PST). There
is a limit of one entry per valid email address per day.
list of contest rules can be found here.
Good luck finding
the dragons -
Izzy will be so happy to get your help!
And When You Find a Dragon It Will Show This,But rember the dragons location

Well Thats All Im Trying to get my tickets for next week and maybe new catolog comming soon on Pandanda.
~Teddy259 Pandanda Jammers President
Find The Dragon,
Panda Henry,
Pandanda Jammers,

Zingballyhoo Returns to Pandanda Tommrow
Hey Panda's!
Zing Ballyhoo Returns Tommrow!!!
Heres the post from Henrys Blog.
Well ill be up to post Zing's Item So Stay Tuned.
Zing Ballyhoo Returns Tommrow!!!
Heres the post from Henrys Blog.
Zing Ballyhoo Returns! January 11th, 2010
Hey gang! Zing Ballyhoo is
returning to Pandanda tonight! After spending the holidays with his family, Zing
says he was off traveling again to collect some of his most exciting prizes yet.
has placed tickets all over Pandanda for you to collect and exchange for his
prizes. You can find tickets on the ground in every location, except your tree
house. Whether you're wandering around or just hanging out with your friends,
you'll eventually see a ticket appear on the ground. Just be sure to grab it
before it disappears! Once you've collected 10 tickets, go visit Zing in the
Treehouse Lobby to trade them for a prize!
Well ill be up to post Zing's Item So Stay Tuned.
Pandandajammers Hit Youtube
Hello Pandas and good morning pandazapper here wooo hope you enjoyed your new years eve! well i just wanna say pandandajammers have hit youtube! so if you would like to sub us or be a big fan then friend us or comment us alot of videos will be out for you guys to watch, me and teddy just gotta get through this week of school and me and teddy are also having to deal with 19 DEGREE weather. So ya ha-ha, give us time and we will have videos up ASAP. Our youtube link is
well thanks for reading ;)
Not following PandandaTeddy and PandandaZapper on Twitter?? well
Follow Teddy
Follow Zapper
well thanks for reading ;)
Not following PandandaTeddy and PandandaZapper on Twitter?? well
Follow Teddy
Follow Zapper
Free Party Hat Til Wekend is over
Hey Guys!
Just wanna start out by saying HAPPY NEW YEARS!
Well Anyways Here is The New Pandanda Item.
Just wanna start out by saying HAPPY NEW YEARS!
Well Anyways Here is The New Pandanda Item.
Its the Party Hat.Get it now you only have til the end of the weekend to get Pandanda's FIRST PARTY HAT!

And Here is how it looks on your panda when you put it on

Well That pretty much it.But heres a question for you what did you do for new years???
Well Cya Guys Til next time